February 15, 2008

Work That Muscle!

I realized something today... don't ever slack off from gym for an extended period of time! It is pure terror when you return.

Because I had been working a lot, and I was pre-occupied mentally by thoughts of The One leaving for Asia, myself about to lose my job and adding to that the simple fact that I came down with a cold. Albeit a mild case of the sniffles, but enough to make me feel that going to the gym would be too strenuous for me - and subsequently not exactly be a healthy option. I am a strong believer that if you carry a virus in your system, working out is not going to be beneficial. Thus - I haven't been going there for two weeks. Oh, don't get me wrong - I wasn't sick for two weeks... laziness played a part in this.

I went today. I had hoped The One would go there with me, but she couldn't find the time. I agreed to meet my cousin Andy there instead - because I felt I really needed to get back on track with my work-out program.

Now, I did feel a little tired all day today because I haven't slept really well for quite some time. I have felt like that before, and the gym usually makes you feel so much better once you get started.

Not today!

Today was so hard and I didn't feel like I had an ounce of strength in my entire body. The weights I usually do seemed to weigh about twice as much as they used to. Not only was it much heavier... I didn't have the mental strength either - you know the part when your brain takes over and keeps yelling at you "you can do it! ONE MORE!!!". Instead - that same reptilian brain of mine would shout "Fuck that's heavy! NO WAY you can do this!", and I would give up.

I ended up using the same weights (I'm too much of a man to take any off) - but I had to succumb to the pressure and do less repetitions. Focused mainly on the pecs and the biceps today... those are the muscles that also strengthen a man's ego.

I was completely worn out after today. I took a rinse-off in the shower and climbed to the top bench in the sauna and sat down. I spoke to my cousin about the possibility of me moving away in the future. We talked about The One and her leaving, and we talked about a get together of cousins I'd been planning for later this month... which now looks like it won't happen.

We also talked about the fact that I had no strength at all left in my body after my two week leave of absence at the gym. Yeah, I carried a virus and all... but seriously - today was like it was the first time in my life I went to a gym.

Now, later. I'm thinking about how important it is to keep working on those muscles, and how quickly they start to decay if not being trained on a regular basis. And, I'm also thinking the brain is a muscle.

Here's where it gets interesting!

It's really very similar to working out at a gym - and equally important that you work out that muscle inside your cranium: The Brain.

If ever you decide to do some research on creative writing you will find that the one advice that you will continue to come across time and time again is this:

WRITE. WRITE. WRITE! ... and then WRITE some more!

If you do that... soon enough you will find that writing comes easily. Words start appearing on the page without you feeling like you have to coax them out of the deepest parts of your brain. They just flow out of your fingertips and onto the keyboard as easily as it is to think, fantasize and daydream.

And, does this not apply to all forms of brain functionality?

I'm thinking... my recent situation with The One, my job and everything. If I continue to think about these things and actually work on: A) Getting over The One. B) Accept the fact that she will not be here to smile that wonderful smile at me. C) Really focus on what it is that I want to do with my life, and D) Be happy!

Will my brain not after a while be able to do all these things naturally? Resulting in me feeling good about myself, and not have to force happy thoughts into my brain?

But, I would have to keep doing this on a daily basis. I could start easy... with the "Be Happy" part. Sitting down for fifteen minutes every day - repeating in my head "I am happy, I am happy". I can do them in tens. Ten repeats, then I can relax a little... and let that happy feeling wash over me. Do another ten "I am happy"'s and rest.

Yeah... this last part is stupid. But, think about it seriously. If you focus on making your brain think in a certain pattern, and experience a specific mood... would it no become easier and easier, and you would feel happy and content with your situation without much effort after a while.

I am going back to the gym on a regular basis from now on. No more slacking.

I am also looking to find a good work-out schedule for that twisted brain of mine.


Dianne said...

I don't think that last part is stupid at all. I hesitate to call it self-affirmations or meditation cause all that stuff seems so structured or hokey.

You're just being kinder to your inner self and having more positive conversations with your inner voice - that's how I look at it.

I think that's an excellent workout ;)

Jen said...

When you decide to make a change and then come up with a game plan to implement that change - no matter how it's done, it is a good thing. More people in the world need to focus on being happy, including myself. I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but where's the harm in being happier?

BTW - I'm no doctor, but from what I understand, if you have a virus, raise your body core temperature. Viruses HATE heat, so you might get over your sickness better/sooner if you can find a way to workout without spreading the disease. I mean, people like sharing, but not THAT kind of sharing.

Glad you're feeling better (inside and outside).

Sparkling Red said...

Speaking of things that sound silly, I've heard of a thing called "Laughing Yoga". You do it 1st thing in the morning; stand up straight, make a smiley face, and start going "Ho ho ho! Hee hee hee!" over and over again until it turns into real laughter. Some people do it in groups, but a friend of mine used to do it on his own. He said it really did improve his mood. Either way, that would be an experiment to write about!

Knight said...

You just motivated me to get to the gym asap. Do you have the option to take any classes? Like kick boxing? It's a good way to get on a schedule so you will at least go.

I don't much believe in self affirmation whatnot but it is helpful to always think of the word perspective. I have it taped to my computer at work and it helps make me fully think through situations from all points of view.

Liv said...

yeah. the "endorphingasm," as it were, is too good for me to pass up. i think that's why i exercise about 14 hours a week.

R.E.H. said...

Dianne: I believe that thinking positive thoughts more often really will improve your own well being... think negative thoughts and one will feel bad about everything.

Jen: You're right about viruses not liking the heat. Now, I'm no doctor myself, but I don't think a heavy work-out is the way to raise your body temprature. However, going to the gym and sit in the sauna for a while would probably be a good thing.

Just, I wouldn't go there ONLY to use the sauna... that would be weird ;)

Sparkling Red: Yeah, I've heard of that too. I've seen it on TV somewhere. These people look really stupid... but I guess feeling happy inside would be worth looking like an idiot for a few minutes in the morning... hmmm... I look ridiculous in the morning anyway ;)

Knight: The gym I frequent has a few classes every day - ranging from spinning, body pump, boxing and even yoga. I used to attent boxing for a while, because it is one heck of a work out and it's fun as well.

Perspective... good word to keep in mind.

R.E.H. said...

Liv: "Endorphingasm"... another good word. 14 hours a week is a lot. I'm happy to do 2-3 hours 3-4 times a week... and while I just wrote that I realized that 3*4=12... so on a good week I'm not far behind ;)

Leighann said...

I failed the positive thinking class. Go figure. :)

Jay said...

It's important to keep the mind sharp. Reading, writing and doing word puzzles are very good at that. Also doing math problems and puzzles supposedly is good exercise for the brain.

A lot of people believe in the power of positive thinking. I know a few people who get up every morning and say something like "Today I choose to be happy" and they believe that works.

Guilty Secret said...

Oh man, I hate that first workout after a break. You feel like you have totally lost fitness. But you're not starting from scratch really. You'll be back where you left off after a couple more sessions.

I think what you were describing in this post is 'positive thinking.' Go for it!

Anonymous said...


YES! Think positive thoughts!!! It actually does have an effect on your brain to do that and yes, you will not have to "force" it after a short while. Also, if you continue to go to the gym, that increases your seratonin and that helps mental health as well. :)

R.E.H. said...

Leighann: I not only failed... I was kicked out of that class ;)

Jay: Those are all good excercises to sharpen those brain cells.

I don't believe just saying "Today I'll be happy"... you have to believe in it - which is the hard part ;)

Guilty Secret: I know I'll get back to where I was in only a few outings... if not I would probably have given up ;)

Yes, I'm talking about positive thinking... but alsa about making it a habit, and then it would come naturally... I guess maybe that IS positive thinking - I'm not in the habit of thinking positively ;)

Pookie Sixx: Yes, I've noticed that too. Working out the body does wonders for the mental state of being too. Strange - but true!

TK Kerouac said...

nice blog here!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Work out? Does chasing small children count? No, seriously. You have guilted me into "guilting" my DH who is tremendously busy into one more honey do...move my treadmill to the new house.

Positive thinking: Yes, so much is in the way a person views things. Via I'm a "Glass Half Full Gal" as opposed to someone who sees the glass half empty. It's the same glass. It's the same volume. Just different views.

When things and life get me down [and I have quite a bit going on now] I start counting my blessings. Even the stuff we forget. Can I see? Can I drive? Can I bathe myself? Did I catch the green light?

But, by nature we all have the occassional slump. Because life can and does "suck" sometimes, regardless of whether we are rich or in love, etc. [look at Britney Spears. Okay, bad example.]

Anyhoo...check you glass. Half empty? or, Half Full?

[And, Now...I step off my soap box].

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Oh, and it really helps if the Glass is half full of beer.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the Gym, My life is spent there! I slacked off for like 1mth and I thought the world was coming to an end when I went back!

If I was there we would be great work out partners! Keep it up. Hey Tennis is a good work out also.

Have a good weekend!


Dana said...

It's always important to exercise ALL of your muscles!

Jay said...

i hate when i don't work out for a while. it's like i become so weak!

ahh. i know what you are going through!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

UN-RELATED to this post: I finally got to finish Chapter Three of Rubicon Heart (I did actually have to print it and carry it with me to finish it).

A) STOP leaving us all "hanging" like that (which means it's good), and,
B) SEND all your WRITING CRAP (You know I mean good lit) to the writers of TV sitcoms, dramas, etc. YOU are up there with those of Des. H'wives, Grey's Anat., Two & a 1/2 Men, CSI, L&Order, and every other Network TV line-up.

Hey...maybe they'll even pay for your move (I'm an optimist...and, you are a very good writer).

Anonymous said...

Thinking is highly overrated. If you thought about going to the gym every day you wouldn't improve your fitness. "Doing" the workout is much more important. Switch off your brain and give yourself social workout. Apply for a dozen jobs in one week. Get twenty phone numbers from cute girls in one evening. Talk to two dozen strangers every day. Do the reps and you'll get there. The average person isn't that smart. There are a lot of average people who have what you want in life. They didn't get it by thinking. Come on... One more...

flutter said...

exerwhat's that now?

Karen said...

When I am at the gym my brain ALWAYS says "What the hell are you thinking? We can't do that again. Ten more minutes, are you crazy?" It never tells me I can do it....lol

R.E.H. said...

TK Kerouac: Thanks, and welcome. Please do return!

Farmer's Wife: That treadmill needs to be where you are at! 30 minutes a day will work wonders for mind and body!

About, glass half full/empty? What if a guy doesn't have ANYTHING in his glass... then it is nothing but an EMPTY GLASS, right?

That happens more often than not... especially when it used to be full of beer ;)

Single In The City: It's amazing how much you lose in a short period of time... but, it all comes back quickly so one has to keep that in mind.

Tennis! I love tennis... but haven't played in years. As a kid - I was considered having a lot of potential as a tennis player. At the age of 8 I was playing with the 12-13 year olds, and they didn't stand a chance... now, however, I would probably be whopped by any eight year old ;)

Dana: Are you thinking of any muscle in particular?

Jay Cam: I know! Why is that? I mean, it was just two weeks and I felt like I couldn't pick a feather up off the floor!

R.E.H. said...

Farmer's Wife: Glad you enjoy the read. And... wow! those are some big words of praise you got for me. I really appreciate it.

I don't know if I'm up there with those guys, but I would like to think that there could be an opportunity to make some money off of my writing skills some day.

Thank you for your kindness. It means a lot to me to hear things like that.

Anonymous: While your suggestions are good - spot on, in fact. I still believe that positive thinking and excercising the brain in that capacity needs to be done first. If my mood is down, and my confidence is shot - I'm not going to get that job no matter how many I apply for... and none of those 20 cute girls I ask for their phone numbers are going to give it to me.

That's my take on that anyway ;)

Flutter: Exer-cise! It's what you do at a place called "The Gym". Many people do it... you should try ;)

Karen: Really? That's got to make it real hard to work out. But, you won't listen to your brain now, will you?

Jill said...

If I say that what I like about a guy the most, is his smile, would that make you smile?
I hope that even with all that that you are still laughing once a day!
(Making me think about you saying in your head "I'm happy, I'M happy", made me smile)

R.E.H. said...

Jill: I'm actually one of those people who rarely smile... I don't think I have a very pretty smile I guess (always comes off looking phony).

Of course, I smile when I'm not aware of it... but when I try to put on a smile... no - that just doesn't work for me.

You, however, would always make me smile ;)

Jill said...

Since every picture you take doesn't really show your mouth, I cannot judge and say if you are right about your mouth!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I must admit that positive affirmations feel really queer, but I'm trying to do the same. Workout my mind and workout my body.

However, I too have noticed that sometimes working weights that used to be tolerable are too much. I noticed if I eat some protein before I lift weights it really helps with that. I don't feel so weak and I can workout at the same weight without as much difficulty.

But I hear you on lapsing for two weeks. All the protein in the world isn't going to fix that issue.

R.E.H. said...

Jill: I'll make sure to post a pic of my mouth some day.

Cardiogirl: Excercise for the mind and body both is good for the soul - right?

Sleep also has a lot to say on how well you will do both mentally and physically... I need to learn to sleep better.