December 28, 2007

Random Boring Ramblings

Shopping Spree:
Took the opportunity today to go out shopping for some cheap clothes. I'd gotten some money for Christmas that was earmarked for just that. Figured I should enter the crazy world of after-Christmas-sales as I would be able to pick up some quality clothing at a good price.

Now, if only I had a shred of intelligence... then I wouldn't have waited until 4 o'clock to get to the stores. That's when things really start to pick up. Everywhere I went, the places were packed with bargain-hunters who have never heard of the term common decency! Cutting in front of me, yanking the last shirt from the rack, just as I'm reaching for it (I didn't bother causing a scene... don't think it was the right size for me anyway), people breathing down your neck, waiting for you to hang that sweater back so they can push their way past you and get that one - because it must be the most important thing in the world, that they get that particular sweater... right now! Today!

Anyway... I managed to get hold of 3 sweaters and 1 shirt that I liked. All of them were 50% off, so I got them for a very good price. I'd wanted to buy a couple more items (another shirt, possibly a suit, since I'm now too skinny to look good in the one that I have) but the chaos in the stores had become too much for me to handle... I was quickly becoming a very un-safe shopper. At times like this, it is probably a good thing I do not carry a gun.

As you can see, I'm currently in the market for brown... I've got the idea that's a good color for me. Will suit me well for next weeks WWC, as BROWN is one of the words!

6 Days Of Paradise:
At work yesterday I realized a wonderful thing. Usually the schedule that I work by allows me a fabulous 4 days off from work... the way it works is a 4-week plan, so every four weeks I have a four day "mini-vacation". Now... the thing is - we're closed New Year's Day, so I do not have to come in my regularly scheduled Tuesday. And I'm always off the Wednesday after that as well - so this all means that I'm not back at work until Thursday! Six (may I emphasize? SIX!) days of joy and freedom! Break out the booze and the booty - time to CELEBRATE!

The Long Walk:
Yesterday, as the work-day was nearing the end I got a text from... guess who?

*building suspense*

Yes! The One!

She asked me if I was working, and when I was getting off from work. Then she fell silent, as I had answered her questions. So, once I was off work I figured I'd text her again - ask what it was she wanted...

Turns out she had the sudden urge to go for a walk. I guess she was feeling a little guilty about eating all that Christmas food, and wanted to knock some of those calories off of her.

Now, I haven't seen her for about three weeks - so of course I told her "sure - let's go for a walk" - even though I was so tired, all I really wanted to do was lay half-asleep in front of the TV.

We had a pleasant walk. Talked about the situation at work, as well as how she's doing over there in the new store. We talked about how Christmas had been. We talked about a few other things... but, most of all we talked about getting our butts back in the gym. She was very excited about the prospect of getting back to our 3-4 days a week visits there. She talked about setting up goals for us, so that we'd have something to work toward.

"So what goal are you setting up for yourself?", I ask her as the cold wind bites into my skin. I'm keeping warm by looking at her... isn't she the most beautiful thing in the world?

"Beach 2008", she says - no hesitation.

Lets hope that she feels the same way tomorrow, when we decided to start anew.

R.E.H. Notes:
She just texted me the following 'NO GYM TOMORROW. FORGOT I HAVE TO BE AT GRANDMA'S FOR DINNER. LET'S GO SUNDAY'... Well, at least it appears she still wants to do it though...

As I walked her to her door, we looked at the watch and realized we'd been out walking for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Decent work-out...

I got a head start today. I had gotten a try-it-once free card to take someone with me to the gym some day, and so I got my cousin to go there with me. He's tagged along a couple of times during the summer, but has since not been working out at all.

It's weird how things happen. Just last week... I had no one who wanted to go to the gym with me... now, yesterday The One seems to be very serious about getting back to it, and then - today - my cousin not only uses the free pass - but signs up for a year.

"It's all part of the new me!", he told me.

"New Year's Resolution?", I ask.

"Yup. I'm going to start a healthy lifestyle".

"You know... for a New Years Resolution - that's very original of you". Sarcasm is evident, and my cousin Andy was laughing about it.


Sparkling Red said...

Holy shopping chaos! When I hear that a popular store is having a sale, I run the other way.

Good luck with your dream girl. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Jay said...

I actually went to Wal-Mart the day after Christmas. I had a gift card from my grandmother and wanted to get an iPod charger.

The crowd was unreal but I fought my way through and found the one I wanted. Not sure it was really worth it to get it about 1 dollar off, but whatever. My iPod can be charged via any electrical outlet now.

L.P. said...

Sounds like your new year is pre-starting on a positive note.
Sale shopping is like eating at an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet - if you aren't armed to the teeth, the slavering mob is taking you down.

fiwa said...

Heehee... I like Lakota princess' remark about likening sales shoppers to buffet crowds. That is an apt description. Hey, at least no one asked you if you were 62.

Wow, 6 days off work, that rocks! I have 4 days off and I'm pretty excited about that.

Good luck with The One & the workout schedule.

Anonymous said...

I don't make resolutions because I always end up breaking them in the first 24 hours.

Leighann said...

6 days off of work and a visit with the ONE.... who could ask for more?

R.E.H. said...

Sparkling Red: I usually stay the f**k away on sales too, but even I am susceptible to the lure of 50% off ;)

Thanks for crossing your fingers... I'm going to need all of the fingers in the world crossed on this one ;)

Jay: There's just no way I'd put myself through the shopping craze for one measly dollar discount... at least I saved a good 80 bucks on my spree ;)

Lakota Princess: LOL! @ the seafood buffet comment. I wasn't armed... wasn't even mentally prepared - it was exhausting!

Fiwa: Oh, I've got to experience the feel of writing it one more time...

SIX days OFF from WORK!!!

That's sweet!

Preposterous Ponderings: So make one New Years resolution that says "break every one of my resolutions as quickly as I can"... then when you break it, the others remain intact...

...that didn't make the least bit of sense, did it?

Leighann: I know, it's been great so far! Even better if The One miraculously decided she wants me ;)

Karen said...

Nice. A little vacation from work. I was going to comment on the overwhelming brown theme in your new clothes, but you beat me to it. Spending time with The One sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I went on an uncharacteristic shopping spree the day after Christmas, and strangely enough, the crowds really weren't that bad. Good luck with the One. And good luck with working out. I wish you luck because I'm too lazy to exercise myself.

Jay said...

lol you never know!
she may have the urge to do more than just walk with you!

Newt said...

I like the brown on the bottom left in the photo. It looks like it has a few tones of brown. Or is it just the flash?

Sounds like your new year will start out great, the girl, the gym, the days off. Wow, that's a fantastic start to 2008.

PhoenixMuse said...

I've never had a shopping experience where people were THAT bad. Though I've never gone shopping shortly after Christmas.

R.E.H. said...

Karen: Brown is the new me ;)

Odd Facts: Thanks for your good luck wishes. I especially hope it does some good with The One.

Jay Cam: I sure hope so ;)

Newt: Yeah, it's the shirt. Got this silky quality to it, and like a tiny "snake-pattern" print.

2008's gonna be great!

PhoenixMuse: Welcome!

I do not recommend shopping during the after-Christmas sale... if possible, people are even crazier than pre-Christmas.

Dana said...

I don't know why anyone shops the day after Thanksgiving or the day after Christmas. You are a brave, BRAVE man!

Crashtest Comic said...

that's deep baby!

R.E.H. said...

Dana: Of course I am a Brave! The Atlanta Braves rule ;)

My thought as I was out there was more like: I can't believe every single human being is out shopping today!

Crashtest Comic: Welcome!

Rick Rockhill said...

I'm worn out from shopping and tired of the stores and crowds.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

if i were you, wearing all of that brown, i would pretend to be a UPS dude, and start picking up packages. you might make out with some cool shit.

tt said...

Ok...I'm already anxious to see what the next installment will be with 'the one".
How interesting. Where can I read about you two? I've got all my, uhhh, things crossed for ya. ;)

R.E.H. said...

Palm Springs Savant: Welcome!

I hear what you're sayin'. I'm stayin' as far from the stores as I possibly can for the next few weeks.

Tequila Mockingbird: From what I hear UPS dudes are hot (ask Samantha K)... so that might be a good idea ;)

TT: More reading about The One can be accessed by clicking the link Ramblings: The One on the sidebar here.

Jill said...

Even if brown is your color, you don't have to buy all your clothes in that color, and especialy in the same shade of brown!
As long as they are good workout buddy...

R.E.H. said...

Jill: I was actually looking for a couple other colors as well, but they didn't have my size in those that I liked. I don't buy all brown every time.

Jill said...

Just checking...So you'll better step away from brown for a while, now!

R.E.H. said...

Jill: Guess I will ;) Got plenty of brown by now...