December 2, 2007

Funday Sunday: "Anger At Work"


Couldn't come up with anything better for "Funday Sunday" today. I'm sick with a bad ass cold and I'm frustrated at my situation at work, so for me to have a fun filled Sunday is virtually impossible.

This video that I found on YouTube, however, is funny and quite representative of my mood today.

I love it how in that first clip, when things... go down... that one guy seems almost oblivious to what is going on, and just continues to chat on the phone as if everything was just fine. The second clip... what a gal, huh? And, that final dude - well, that could be me - sad isn't it, but that is how I handle anger situations at times... hehe.

I once thrashed my office chair after having lost eight hours of work on the computer and there was a sudden black out. Both in terms of electricity, and in the rational part of my brain. I have a tendency to forget saving often when I do things. I was so angry I got up from my chair, grabbed a good hold of it, swung it up above my head and proceeded to repeatedly smash it against the floor...

What are the craziest things you have done in a fit of rage?

I took a day off, yesterday, after having completed the NaBloPoMo quest. Not because I was fed up of posting blogs every day, but because I was lyin' flat out in my bed feeling sorry for myself. It's been a long time since I've had a cold or anything knock me out like this... It's at times like these I wish I had a sexy, scantily clad girlfriend here to take care of me.

Slightly better today, but still some ways to go before I'll be back to my old usual self.

Enjoy the video, and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with a more cheerful post.



Shit, guys! I just rewatched that video, and I noticed something I didn't think of at first, which made that last guy that much funnier. I realized that there was actually some thought to what he was doing... see - he's come to the conclusion that the printer does not work - and therefor he grabs the monitor, places it facedown in the copier and (my guess) wants to make a copy of the screen, instead of getting a printout.... you think I'm right?


Karen said...

I have never really lost my temper at work before. Of course, I have cried in the bathroom and cussed out my bosses when I got home, but nothing obivous while at work.

I think you might have given me your death-cold through the cyber world somehow. I feel pretty yucky today.

MrRyanO said...

All I saw were three people who care enough about their work environment that they wanted to clean their desktops from all the clutter.


That was just hyper cleaning...

Beautifully Profound said...

Ha! That was fucking hilarious! Excellent Funday Sunday post. In angerous fits I've tossed quite a few things in my day. I suppose it depends on how deep into the PMS I am. :p Mik though, he hasn't gotten me to that point. I don't think he will. He knows how to finesse things with me.

Beautifully Profound said...

Oh, and feel better will yah.

Sparkling Red said...

I've never blown up at work. The times when other people have lost it and screamed in my face (never deserved by me), I have walked out and not returned until I felt calm.

At home, in the middle of an argument with my boyfriend, I once pulled every single item out of a packed closet and threw them at his head, screaming the whole time. He ducked everything, and told me later that he was fighting back laughter because I looked ridiculous.

Jay said...

Many years ago I was working for a telemarketing company. Terrible freaking job. Anyway, this druggie who worked there took this long piece of plastic off the top of the partitions that separated each workspace and was doing his Star Wars thing with it.

He did this every night and it was really getting old. But, this time he decided to smack me with it. I told him not to do it again. But, he did and this time he smacked me pretty hard with it.

So I jumped up and grabbed the plastic thing from him, shoved him and hit him like 10 times with the plastic thing.

I got fired, but it was worth it.

Anger management? ME?? ;-)

R.E.H. said...

Karen: I'm sorry about that... some pretty evil cold I got carrying around, huh?

RockDog: LOL!

Beautifully Profound: You lucky women... you can always blame it on PMS ;) What's a guy to do? Blame it on sexual frustration?

Sparkling Red: Hehe... that story made me laugh! I can picture you hubbie ducking, you tossing, and him holding his hands to his mouth to hide the grin ;)

Jay: Sounds to me the guy got just what he deserved... and you're the one they fire???

Guilty Secret said...

What are the craziest things you have done in a fit of rage?

Timely question, REH. May I direct you to my latest blog post for the answer?

Jay said...

how did you get that pic of my gf?!

lol that last guy was the best... he shoved a computer into a printer! classic!

R.E.H. said...

Guilty Secret: I was just over your place reading about it, and I don't think you acted crazy or anything. Maybe hitting him wasn't the best thing to do, but surely it hopefully got his attention and let him know in no uncertain way that you are fed up with it.

Jay Cam: She's my girl now... wasn't that last dude you? After you found out she came to me? ;)

R.E.H. said...

Preposterous Ponderings: Glad you liked it... but take it easy on the Pepsi, alright?

Samantha_K said...

I've never blown up at work...but I did get so mad once that I just stopped showing up. No notice or anything, didn't even bother to get my last paycheck.

R.E.H. said...

Tequila Mockingbird: Oooh! That's just pure evil right there... me like ;)

Samantha K: You should have gotten your paycheck though, and then tell'em to shove it up their... backsides!

Newt said...

So, is that your foot in the background of the pic of the hot babe?

R.E.H. said...

Newt: I wish ;)