April 7, 2008

7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony

As I continue my "series" of posts about the 7 Deadly Sins, we are about to take a look at Gluttony. As this series is also about me, we will refer to the definition with me as reference... how interesting is that going to be?

Now I'm a guy who likes to eat. I've always enjoyed my food, my desserts and my candies. Not to mention potato chips and a mouth watering bar of chocolate.

Apart from fulfilling the desire of Lust which we talked about last time, the desire to eat is one we need to fulfill or we will die. Lust is only important, really, when taking survival of the human race into account... that's not so important, now is it? Yeah, I'm joking... in case you are one of those people who have a hard time picking up sarcasm and irony.

Let us also continue the tradition of referencing Gluttony from the ever popular web encyclopedia "wikipedia". This is how it describes the Deadly Sin of Gluttony:

Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp
down or swallow, gluttony is the over-indulgence and
over-consumption of
anything to the point of waste. In the
Christian religions, it is
considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding
from the needy.

Depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of
status. Where food is relatively scarce, being able to eat well might be
something to take pride in (although this can also result in a moral backlash
when confronted with the reality of those less fortunate). Where food is
routinely plentiful, it may be considered a sign of self control to resist the
temptation to over-indulge.

Medieval Church leaders (e.g.,
) took a more expansive view of gluttony (Okholm 2000), arguing that
it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant
eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods.
[3] He went so
far as to prepare a list of six ways to commit gluttony, including:

  • Praepropere - eating too soon
  • Laute - eating too expensively
  • Nimis - eating too much
  • Ardenter - eating too eagerly
  • Studiose - eating too daintily
  • Forente - eating too fervently
This was a bit of a funny read, as I learned a couple more things about what Gluttony really mean... I always thought it was all about over-eating - excessive eating of generally unhealthy foods, while this shows that there are really other forms of Gluttony. Lets not get ahead of ourselves... we'll do the highlighting thing again.

Gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste: Yup - this is what I figured Gluttony was all about. Am I guilty? Hell yeah! At times, anyway. I come from a long line of family members who are natural born eaters... I have been to other family dinners and actually been worried that there isn't enough food. My eyes scouring the tables, while my brain wondering can I really fill my plate with the goods and still leave something for the others? See... our family always makes enough to have left-overs for weeks after a get-together. We are the kind of family who says "Come on. Have some more. There is plenty left."

Stilll - I am the only one who [was] over-weight.

Add to this a love of pizza, hamburgers and other kinds of junk food. Kentucky Fried, Taco Bells... man, I miss those two! Can't have'em around here.

So, I eat a lot. I don't go hungry, that's for sure. But, let me ask one question? How important is it to eat moderately and healthy? Really?

I lost weight. I've mentioned that before here. I went from 260 pounds down to 186 pounds in about a year. I didn't do this by counting calories on every damn thing I ate. While indulging in Gluttony (of course) isn't going to shed the pounds, you can still enjoy eating some good food every now and then. I ate pizza and hamburgers, and I ate large servings of food. What I did, mainly, was cut the potato chips, the chocolate and most importantly; No evening snacks! Evening snacks are the killer... do not eat 4 hours before bedtime! You can have water to keep from getting hungry. And, keep yourself in motion - excercise is more important than counting calories... the word from Dr. R.E.H.!

So, my take? Eat what you want... moderately most of the time... enjoy some Gluttony every now and then, and keep away from the snacks and the midnight bite!

Where food is relatively scarce, being able to eat well might be something to take pride in: Yes, in a way. We are fortunate enough to live in rich countries where we do not have to suffer from starvation. We should eat, and we should eat well - but that's not to say we should eat excessively... nor too fattening foods. I am, honestly, quite proud of the fact that I can afford to put a decent meal on the table each day.

Of course - I would be even more happy if this was possible for all humans on our planet.

Now. To finish off this little look at Gluttony - let's have a look at the six ways to commit Gluttony. This is the part that I didn't know of until I read about it here on wikipedia.

Praepropere - eating too soon: Guilty! At times I do eat stuff even though I'm not the least bit hungry. Most often the things I choose to eat at such a time are candy or potato chips. Hey! I bought that bag of chips to eat while watching that movie on TV tonight... so what if I just had dinner? Bring on the tasty tater chips! Though... as I said, I have scrapped the chips for the most part. I don't want those pounds back.

Laute - eating too expensively: Not Guilty! I rarely pay too much for food. I rarely eat out even - cook mostly at home. Even when buying the groceries I will often opt for the cheaper brand. Only a few things will I buy from the more expensive well-known producers, and that is a decision which has been made depending on the quality of the lesser known suppliers.

Nimis - eating too much: Guilty! We covered this already...

Ardenter - eating too eagerly: Guilty! Depending on what it is. If it is something I've been longing for... I will dig in fervently. If I am extremely hungry - even more so. Both Nimis and Ardenter is practiced on my birthday to the max. There is a special meal we always have on that day, I would call it "Pepper Sauce"... I have never, ever left the table without being so full I can barely breathe! And, my motto on that day is "the faster I eat, the more I can swallow before my stomach sends warning signals to my brain".

Studiose - eating too daintily: Not Guilty! Sometimes I wish I were. I don't do too well at fancy dinners or anything. I like to sample the foods and I am often a sloppy eater... not to the point that I have grease running down my chin, or eating with my hands or anything. But, soon after I dig in - usually the plate looks like a mess.

Forente - eating too fervently: Hmmm... well, Guilty! I think of that as pretty much the same thing as eagerly... go figure!

We will continue the tradition of adding a song to the playlist which has got to do with Gluttony. I couldn't really come up with any songs that deal with over-eating, except for Alice Cooper's "Eat Some More", which of course was not available in the playlist. Instead, I give you another Cooper classic - which if you use your imagination is quite suitable; "Feed My Frankenstein".

Tomorrow it's time for some WWC fun again. ROUGH and SMOOTH are the words!


fiwa said...

"the faster I eat, the more I can swallow before my stomach sends warning signals to my brain".

That cracked me up!

REH, the food in that picture looks so good! Did you make all of it?

I am definitley not guilt of "Studiose". I don't think of myself as a messy eater, but I was at a dinner party recently and noticed greasy finger prints ALL OVER my wine glass. I looked around the table and everyone else's glass was clean. I was mortified.

This was a fun read.

Leighann said...

I have food issues. I like it and want to eat it :)

I was raised in a family when we were happy we celebrated with a feast, when we were sad or hurting we comforted ourselves with food, when we were angry we beat the living shit out of.... wait I'm getting ahead of myself here.

My mom had one rule at mealtime: You clean your plate no matter what. Even if you were full you still had to eat everything on your plate. No wasting food. So I have a seriously hard time leaving food on the plate even to this day.

I make my kids portions incredibly small and allow them to go back for more. If they're full I let them be done. I don't want to continue the same cycle.

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I could so totally have a really good comment. But DH will be here any minute, one kid's in the shower, and all of that.

I'll be back -- and you can rest assured that I will avoid any comments that get me all "riled."

I'm a good Angel. :)

Anndi said...

That's definitely a sin I'm guilty of...

I'll eat way too much of something I love.

Um honey, you have something on your chin... let me wipe that for you ;)

Jen said...

The husband and I are very guilty of Laute. . . . there. I said it. We love our goo-od dinners out with a fantastic bottle of vino.

We are now also addicted to the more expensive grocery, but their meats, vegetables and fruits are to just die for. Well worth the dollars charged.

I'll always pay more to eat healthy.

Sometimes, I am also guilty of Nimis. And, I KNOW I'm not Studiose.

Guilty as charged. Is this my deadly sin? Oh dear Lord. . . .

R.E.H. said...

Fiwa: That comment actually comes from my cousin. He said it once at my birthday party, and it kind of stuck since ;)

Oh! The picture is NOT my own - I just grabbed it off the internet.

The thing about the glasses... damn - now that you mention it: My glasses get like that too!?

Leighann: Did we grow up in the same family? ;) Wasting food was always a big NO-NO! around here. Finish what you put on the plate... no discussion.

I think it's good that you don't pass that tradition on to your kids though.

Farmer*s Wife: I'm sure you'll have some well chosen words for me. And, you are a good Angel! ;)

Anndi: Oh, oops. Must be some of that gravy. Speaking of gravy - is there any more left?

One's got to eat what one loves!

Jen: Meat! I do spend a little extra on my meat - I've had way to many bad steaks to go cheap on that. Over here we get imported stuff from Ireland, Denmark and even Brazil... I buy the more expensive Swedish meats - my theory is that those countries ship what they don't want themselves overseas...

Do you always have wine with the food? I drink milk with about 90% of my meals.

Knight said...

I don't get it. Outside of eating in a way that harms you, why is this bad? Why is it a deadly sin to want fancy dinners or eat in a certain way? Who made up these sins? Are you really living if you don't take advantage of these things on occasion? I don't think so. Wait, I think you already said that. I'll tell you what though, I like that midnight bite. Can I coax you to indulge with me?

Melissa said...

Mmm, look at all that! I'll take a little of this, and some of this, and oh! who brought this? It looks delicious ... oh no, my plate is filled already.

Jay said...

Everything in moderation, right? And you gotta stay active too!

The great thing, or terrible thing about food is that it's perfect for celebrations and it's perfect to drown your sorrows. That's where people have to be most careful.

And I just have to respond to Knights comment. I'm pretty sure she could coax ANY guy into indulging with her. ;-)

Jo said...

I think it's only gluttony if it's impairing something good--letting food take over so you're less of your finer qualities; or encouraging something ignoble--the way some snobby restaurants make a point of causing people to feel inferior so a few can feel ultra-special.

Food to me is joyful! When we didn't have much, I could still get creative with it & meals were a little celebration of good things--well & they still are. If loving pie is wrong, I don't wanna be right!

When people get too ascetic or regimental about food, that's also an excess...and leads to asshattery.

Anonymous said...

This is truly the story of my life!!
I come from a traditional Jewish family! Feast Feast Feast every time you look around, and after the fasts more food!

I eat chocolate when I am down and need a pick me up!

Food is away for family to come together in my family. when I seen the movie Soul Food at the Movies I thought of my family and when we come together on Shabbat. So in ending this essay.

I love Food! It is away for family to come together and friends.. and it makes for a great festive time!

Smooches Hon!!!! this time I think I imagined kissing you.. Okay no more food talk!! it is making me.. welll Never mind!!

Jeff B said...

I grew up in a family of great cooks and then I was in the restaurant biz for fifteen years. As you can imagine, food has always been plentiful around me. If I wasn't careful I'd be the size of a bus.

Dana said...

Well, for some of us food is more than ... well ... food! Gluttony might well be my biggest of all of the sins - maybe!

Anonymous said...

What a great post, REH! I agree.

Exercise is more important that diet. That's for sure.

Very practical approach you've taken for weight control.

Karen said...

Yep...so I was reading this I was stuffing my face full of chips and salsa. I am so with you. I like to eat FOOD. I find that I rarely want to sit down for a meal - I just want to "graze" all day long.

Casdok said...

Great post - i am so full of this sin!

R.E.H. said...

Knight: I agree. Gluttony is one sin that is very pleasurable indeed (not quite so much as lust, but...). And, you can coax me into indulging in ANYTHING girl ;)

Melissa: Well, if you're at one of my family gatherings - don't worry about it... there's more!

Jay: Yeah, food goes with anything really. When you're partying, mourning or just being bored... it even goes well with sex!

Jo: Those restaurants you are talking about probably indulge in a little studiose and laute. And, hey! Any time good is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Single In The City: Our family gatherings are all about food as well. Appetizers, main course, desert then coffee and cookies and cake. Love it!

So food talk makes you think about kissing me? I'll keep that in mind ;)

R.E.H. said...

Jeff B: I've actually considered opening up a restaurant once - well, actually more of a diner, because there are none around here.

Dana: Yeah, I remember you talking about that on your blog. Do hope you are watching yourself on that one!

Lightning Bug's Butt: I tried a few diet methods back in the day, and lost a few pounds. As soon as I stopped the pounds came back. Figured I just go about it my own way... and it worked!

Karen: Having a snack right next to the computer is great! Gotta watch that though - it is one of the things that'll come back to haunt you...

Casdok: "So full" is the way to describe it too ;) Gotta love food!

Tink said...

You know what I just had for breakfast? Three peanut butter cookies. *Hangs head in shame*

I'm totally guilty.

Doc said...

I get caught up in taking more than I can eat and then wasting too... It's not good.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

i think gluttony and lust could be combined.. you said it was partially to do with consuming... sooo by the act of oral sex...

might as well wrap up your deadly sins into a nice bundle!

Fortune Cookies said...

I agree with tequila, I think glutony and lust could surely go hand in hand... wasn't that a seinfeld episode, afterall?

Mike said...


Gluttony indeed!

Newt said...

I just gluttoned myself a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, fries, and a frosty. And it was GOOD!

Dianne said...

Surprisingly this post made me no longer hungry. I guess that Roman Catholic guilt really does still kick in.

Will I burn in hell if I suggest that the church might have been practicing just a bit of (thank you jo) asshatery?

Anonymous said...

Kissing, hmmm I think that is only the beginning.. Plus I am like staying away from Choc right not, and I came back to your page to ummmm Look at the table of food again!!!

But thinking about you at the same time! LOL!


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I love that picture for some reason. I think it's the pink, the dress, the flowingness?

I'm not much of a glutton. Well, I do like the spirits a little too much sometimes. But food? I'm one of those "eat to live" people not a "live to eat."

I don't do a lot of sweets. Just rarely crave them. And, I love veggies! That's often my late night snack -- left over veggies!!

Gotta run!

Sparkling Red said...

I don't know anyone who's not guilty of gluttony. I go through phases when all I want to do is stuff my face. Then there are other phases when I wish food came in a pill so that I wouldn't have to deal with eating. But most of the time I'm somewhere in the middle.
Can I have a cookie now?

Jen said...

Per your question regarding wine, yes, we do have a bottle of wine with many of the dinners we have together. Sometimes we finish it, sometimes we don't and other times we'll open another. Many times we drink milk and/or water with our meals too. (I love me some skim milk - always have.)

We have some great wine bars around here - one of our current favorites specializes in Italian wines and it's pretty hard to pass up on a bottle or 2 while dining there. . . . even if the food is mediocre, the wine is not.

We do love our wines. We have some fantastic conversations over a bottle - is this also considered gluttony?

Jill said...

I like that expression: Natural Born Eater! I think most of my relatives suffer from that disease!
I wonder if I suffer from Gluttony? I've be craving some soft ice cream so much the last two weeks, that I can almost taste it in my mouth!
One question: Do you have some Heinz ketchup in Sweden?

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

r.e.h.? Are you pulling a ME? And, skippin' the WWC [two weeks ago, I suckily bailed]? Ooooor, have you been out searching for fantabulous pics for us.

Hmmmmmmmm. What [who] ARE you working on????? Somethin', I know....and prob, somethin' good.

NGT! Happy Wednesday (you'll get U'rs before I get mine) ;o)

Aunt Jackie said...

Gluttony can be so fun... that fudge looks really tasty!!

Where's WWC??

R.E.H. said...

Tink: What? You can't be serious! That's just not for real is it??? I mean...

...only three??!! ;)

Doc: Welcome! You mean that you throw away what you can't finish? I scoop it all down, no matter what!

Tequila Mockingbird: Oh, yes! The two can be combined... I'm thinking whipped cream, strawberries, some honey or champagne...

Fortune Cookies: I'm sure it was... I just can't recall that Seinfeld episode. Gotta look that up - love Seinfeld!

Mike: Yeah, a nice spread always gets me in the mood ;)

R.E.H. said...

Newt: Bacon cheeseburgers are ALWAYS good... what is it with that combo that makes my mouth water?

Dianne: Tapped into your feelings of guild, did I? I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing... ;)

Single In The City: Any time you want to talk about food, hon. My lips are at your service ;)

Farmer*s Wife: Veggies, huh? I wish I could like them... I have to force some of those down every now and then, because everyone tells me they are good for you.

So you really don't, you know, enjoy good food? Something so good that you eat more than you can handle, just because you don't want to stop eating and tasting that wonderful taste?

Sparkling Red: I've never wished for food as a pill - I always like to eat. Cook however - I hate cooking. I wish meals came readily served even in the home... oh, yeah - there are frozen dinners, but they taste like crap!

R.E.H. said...

Jen: If wine is Gluttony? Well, the expensive kind would qualify as Laute, and if you do the whole wine tasting thing maybe it's got a touch of Studiose to it...

I've just never been big on wine myself. I'd rather have a beer with food than wine ;)

Jill: I'll get my ice cream cravings in a couple of months. Funny thing - I don't want ice cream when it's cold outside. Ice cream is for warm weather only!

Heinz... yes, we get Heinz Ketchup over here... I do prefer the Felix brand though. #1 supplier around here.

Farmer*s Wife: I got tied up yesterday... missing out on this weeks WWC. I am a bona fide loser, am I not? ;)

Aunt Jackie: Gluttony is always fun! And, yes that fudge does look mighty tasty!

No WWC from me this week... :(

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll ever be guilty of Laute, nor of Studiose (although I do enjoy wine tasting)...HOWEVER, the rest..umm, yeah. Praepropere? Here we might discuss the fear of being hungry, so we never let ourselves be hungry (I'll have to think on this one, those words just popped out). Ardenter? Once I learned about stopping eating when the stomach sends those warning signals...well, your motto makes sense. Nimis? Very guilty. When it tastes this good, who wants to stop? (Look back at fear of being hungry, maybe of not having food later...there's gotta be some great psychology going on here...)
And finally, Forente. I think this may imply out-and-out idol worship of your food. A little bit different than eager, yes? I see a plate of cheesecake, and I am very eager to take bite after bite (often too rapidly), all the while eyeing the dish it came from and hoping for 2nds, 3rds, 4ths... and possibly downright worshipping cheesecake as an ultimate food.

So much food for thought here (sorry for the pun). R.E.H., I'm really appreciating your thoughtfulness as you go through these deadly sins. I think they are deadly because we kill ourselves in body and spirit when we throw ourselves headlong into these sins.

Keep up the good work!

R.E.H. said...

Kcinnova: Yeah, the eat quick motto makes total sense to me... it takes a while for your stomach to send those warning signals it appears, so you can eat quite a lot more if you hurry up ;)

Interesting to read your take on Gluttony too. Glad you enjoyed the post.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

good call, chief...

Tequila Mockingbird said...

there are other ways it can be combined too, FYI

R.E.H. said...

Tequila Mockingbird: As long as you are part of the ingredients... I'm up for a taste! ;)

Raven said...

Excellent post... Food is SUCH a huge issue for me. My mother cooked too much and then scolded us for eating too much. I'm the same way as your family - I make enough so that nobody could possibly go hungry ever if they are visiting me. They can all take a meal home with them if need be... I like that quality. It feels loving to me. I have a friend who - if she offers you a beverage fills the glass about 1/3 of the way. It isn't that she's not generous, it's just such a different approach. ... But back to the topic... I think eating should be a pleasure and a joy. It is basic to living. My mother turned eating into a criminal activity for me and I am still paying a price in obesity. (I know I'm a big girl now and she is long in the grave so I should stop blaming her and take responsibility for my own actions, but...) Thomas A doesn't leave much room for not being a glutton, does he?

Well, I'll stop rambling. Excellent and interesting post as always. You ARE better than butter.

R.E.H. said...

Raven: Well, you live as you learn, right? I know I will never be able to eat small servings like I see other people eat. Unless my gut feels like it's going to explode, I don't consider myself full yet... really ;)

Anyway - food definitely should be enjoyable... and there is no way I can see that as being a sin.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

i taste like MSG. the flavor really POPS in your mouth, and you cant get enough!

R.E.H. said...

Tequila Mockingbird: What? You taste like the Michael Schenker Group? ;)

Jill said...

Something better than Heinz?!! Now I need to go visit you just for that!

R.E.H. said...

Jill: Ha!

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