To begin with...
Short, sweet and to the point. I took a couple of days off... I needed it. I'll get around to reading your blogs again, probably tomorrow as it is getting late, and I wanted to continue my series on the 7 Deadly Sins.
Ah! Today we shall talk about Greed. Now, personally, I would say that Greed is the one Deadly Sin which I do not (really) indulge in. I do not consider myself a greedy person.
Well, lets face it. If someone walks up to me and asks if I want $10.000.000, and I don't have to do anything for it... I'm not going to say no. I'm not, by stating the above, trying to tell you that I don't want money or material things. Because I do. However... I am totally content with life as long as I got a roof over my head, and a daily meal on the table... with a few bucks to spare to enjoy myself every now and then.
If being traditional was a Deadly Sin - that one I would be guilty of... we will continue the tradition of quoting wikipedia for the definition of Greed as a Deadly Sin:
Greed (or avarice, covetousness) is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was "a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts. "Avarice" is more of a blanket term that can describe many other examples of greedy behavior. These include disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason, especially for personal gain, for example through bribery. Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include Simony, where one profits from soliciting goods within the actual confines of a church.How do you like that? Lets start at the beginning of this quote...
Greed is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular: Ok... as I said. I do want money - so in that respect I am guilty. However, I am quite certain that the very vast majority of humankind shares this desire with me... to some extent. Do I need or covet an excess of money? No - not really. I wouldn't say no (we've covered that), but I will easily settle for enough money to be able to live a relaxing and enjoyable life. In order to do this, money is required - this is so payment of bills, shopping of groceries and (buying drinks for the ladies?) having some fun whenever I feel like it...
Whenever I feel like it... ! A-HA!
Yes, in that respect I am guilty. But, it isn't the money or the things that I can buy... my sin is that I want to have fun - maybe we'll have a closer look at that when we discuss Sloth...
Man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things: Ooops... well, my "temporal" fun is important - but it's still got nothing to do with material possession or a bank vault full of un-spent cash...
I found this sentence quite interesting though. I am not a religious man... nor am I an atheist. Lets just say that I am a man of belief who chooses not to go to church (except for - you know - funerals, weddings, christenings... the like). I have always been of the belief that if you are a good man on this earth, and treat your fellow humans (and non-humans) with respect and love... you will have your just rewards when you move on to whatever the afterlife has in store for us. I have never, however, quite understood why things that are enjoyable in this world could be considered evil in any way... that above statement clears a few things up.
I still choose not to adhere to that particular sentiment.
Penitents were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts: That sounds evil... it makes me wonder what life was like way back in medieval times. And some people say that things were better in the old days...
Disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason, especially for personal gain: Nope. I'm not guilty. Hey, I even refuse to cheat in a game of Monopoly or something like that. Where's the joy of winning if deep inside - in your very own heart - you know you don't deserve it. Same thing goes for money and material things. You know - I bought a nice expensive car... Greed, you say? No - because I earned the rights to buy that car through hard work. Besides... I'm still paying on the damn thing now that I don't have a job, and that is going to hurt my finances... does that bother me? No, not really - not as long as I'm able to make those payments...
Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects: Now... I don't know why - but one thing comes to mind. Scavenging... could that be the art of trying to get money through playing the lottery? I must admit that I do play the numbers quite often, in hopes of acquiring a sick amount of money. I would use that money wisely, though (is my plan - one can never say for sure how one would react with a gigantic pile of cash in front of them). I would stash a huge chunk in a bank, where I could live off the interest rate. Before that I would buy a nice house - nothing too fancy - a complete film studio (now there's a dash of Greed), and then I wouldn't have to work for the rest of my life. I'd make awesome amateur movies (No! Not that kind! Well, maybe, but not for distribution...)
Theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation: Apart from some shoplifting back in my teenage years, I am probably as honest a man as you will ever find. I'm the kind of guy who wouldn't sleep well for several weeks if someone dropped a dollar unnoticed, and I pocketed it for myself, instead of going "Excuse me... you dropped this". I have entertained the thought of robbing a bank every now and then... you know - don't we all? The requirements would be a) A sure-fire plan, so that there is no chance in Hell I would be caught. b) No need to scar another human, physically or mentally, from the deed. Only two requirements, and I'm sure these are two obstacles I will never overcome, so robbing a bank is pretty much not going to happen anyway...
I got this trait from my mother... she's even worse than I am. I gave her a ride to the store once, to do some shopping (well, I do this often... but this particular once, ok?). When we returned home, and unpacked her groceries, she noticed on the receipt that they had failed to charge her for the soda. Next time she went there - she brought the receipt, the (now empty) soda, and told them of their error, and that she would like to pay for it. Now - that's taking it a little further than I would do... and she's far from a wealthy woman too.
That will conclude my little look into Greed. Hope you enjoyed the read...
HOT DAMN! I nearly forgot (this is an update... you may have missed this part).
To stay with the tradition, I am supposed to offer a song representative of the Deadly Sin of the day... and though there would be lots to choose from on this one, as I had to quickly choose one, I went with the first one that came to mind. That would be the awesome cover of Abba's old hit song "Money, Money, Money" by At Vance. See, how fitting is that???
Tomorrow is WWC day. CLOSE-UP and BACKGROUND are the words... and this week I will NOT miss out! Shame on me, R.E.H.!
Wednesday is time for the PFC (oh, how I love those three-letter abbreviations). So, while there's been a lack of posting of late... now you know you'll get a minimum of three days in a row worth of (possible) entertainment.
Then, the 7DS series will continue... at some point!
You deserved sometime off, However I sure did miss you.. PCF tomorrow? Now I have to start, LOL!! I forgot all about it.:( Anywhooo I would like to say that I am not greedy, am I ?
Yeah I am when it comes to Shoes and Handbags! Dang why did you write on Greedy.. I will beat a ho down for a pair of shoes at a sell!! And Would even lie to get them out of her hand, if it is the last pair. Oh well time to go and do some evaluating on myself!!
Glad your back... Smooches and many more to come!!!
I love the new song!
I had something to write but I'm all distracted by the vision of Single telling someone a really hot pair of shoes is for her terminally ill mother and when they don't hand them over she beats them bloody with her own shoes.
Anyway, we are all technically greedy in some way. The trick is to give back to the community or at least claim to. That film studio is so you can create art that will affect and improve society, right?
PFC you say?? How did that happen?? Oh, I know ... I got sidetracked all weekend with my taxes!! Guess I'll be pulling an all-nighter tonight!
Greed is NOT one of my sins, and that very fact irritates the hell out of my oh-so-materialistic husband!
Yeah, we're all guilty of greed to a certain extent. I try not to be too much though. Although I really would like a big 42" HDTV LCD TV. ;-)
That was a cute story about your mom :) I love that ABBA song!
I have an easy come, easy go attitude towards money...won't violate my values to get it, doesn't make me a better person if I refrain from spending it or live like I don't have any. For me the balance is getting what you need & also needing to be generous...the same holds true for things beyond money.
It's difficult to read what The Church has to say about money without falling down laughing!
I missed you!
Greed. Well, "religiously" we are to have no other Gods before "The Lord our God." I don't want to start a religous evalation here...I'm just sayin' makes sense.
If we make money and things the most important in our life, then we aren't really living. I could totally go into this one [but I'll leave that for anonymous cuz' s/he has more time.
Greed isn't just about money some, it's power, or doing anything for "your kids" to be ahead of everyone else's at no cost.
I've suffered that form of greed from someone I thought was close to me. Her kid over mine...and we are related. Awful...I about threw up for days. It took me a long, long time to try and accept a person for the good and bad and just remember to "watch my back/my kids backs.
Okay, funny part now. I'm the same way about finding stuff or accidentally stealing.
Once, they sent the "boy/young man" out to help me unload my groceries (I always insist I can do it myself, anyhoo) and I had a case of beer (not just for me, for me AND DH) at the bottom of the basket.
I saw it as he helped me unload it I said, "Oh $h!t, I forgot to have her ring this up! I guess I have to go back in..." He looks at me like with that [you're an idiot] look and says nothing.
Now, even if I wanted to continue with my theft [and take it up with my maker in my bedtime prayers]? I totally couldn't. Because now it would be thrice the fraud -- the accidental, the announced, and totally stolen.
I returned to pay for it, all the while thinking, "I'm such an honest person that they'll probably let me just keep it anyhow!"
NOPE. Manager was very thankful and complimented my honesty...but, she STILL made me pay for it.
Apologize for the bad grammar and hollerin' and oven says dinner might be ready (and we have to take off for a T-ball game shortly).
Not that ya' are interested in my reasons. Just didn't want you to think I was drinkin' at 5:PM my time...or that I'm an idiot.
(It's actually my contacts. They don't do well with the computer or the TV menu -- everything is blurred). Poor me
So glad to have you bloggie today, r.e.h.!!!!
Sometimes, it's a contradiction in terms. The church deemed it a sin, but they're the one's who used to have or strove to have all the monies. They were the wealth of the land(s). So, funny to see they deem greed a sin when they used to practice it themselves so heavily.
Don't forget that the medieval times is also called the "Dark Ages". There was a reason for that.
Shoish. No h8ters, please. I love the church/religion I belong to. I am religious and have a strong faith - I'm just sayin' . . . .
My mom is the same as your mom, except that my mom didn't open the Skittles. A day later she took the candy with her receipt to show them their error. They thanked her and rang her up.
This is how I was raised. I believe in it. But I'll admit I'm a greedy little fooker now and then.
I'm a lot like your Mom. Especially if I think someone who has less than me or works hard will suffer. I always give back too much change, I always tell the grocery clerk they forgot to scan the stuff under the cart. I just feel better about myself and the world when I'm honest.
I'd never steal or do anything shady to get money but if I won lotto - Oh baby!!
and I'd open an animal sanctuary as well.
missed you, hope you had some fun ;)
and PFC can be posted through the 18th, right?
I feel like I'm back in school. Hey I used to trade sexual favors for grades and extensions (hehehe) - which sin is that?
As for the church and money - well jo already said it.
Single In The City: LOL! I can just picture you at a shoe store pounding some poor girl over a pair of shoes ;)
And, yes - time to get busy on the PFC... if it's any comfort, I am yet to start myself.
Knight: Of course. If I had a film studio, I would make entertaining movies that make people feel good when they watch it - how is that not giving back to the community? Of course, they'll have to pay me for the service I provide...
Glad you liked the song!
Dana: Yeah, I don't know what happened to the first half of April myself - I was shocked, almost, when I realized it was time for the PFC. I thought I had plenty of time to get it right this time ;)
Jay: You're not so greedy then. Personally, I'd love to have my own theater in my house... large silver screen, with comfy chairs and a pop-corn maker with it's own butter dispenser for that authentic theatrical smell!
Jo: As long as one has what he needs there is no need for money or material things. I value good times over money any time... of course, a lot of material things will provide the good times.
Farmer*s Wife (x2): Money will never be the most important thing in my life. Without love, affection and respect we are nothing. Money doesn't buy happiness... but it sure makes things easier ;)
I think, maybe, the situation with making the kids to be better than the next one could also be a form of the Deadly Sin Pride... which we'll look into soon enough...
Funny how you decided to go back in and pay for the case of beer. I will, however, admit (contrary to my mother) that in a situation like that I would pretty much think - hey! They're not going to notice... what's done is done...
I DO have a touch of greed ;)
They could at least have given you a discount for your honesty... or a free Hershey bar.
Jen: That's interesting. I never thought about that, but you are right - back in those days the church had all the money. How does that work, you think? With the penance?
And, your mom wouldn't even open the Skittles? That's funny - but, makes sense. If she hadn't paid for them, in a way, they were not hers to open, right?
Dianne: Yeah, if someone will suffer on account of my greed it will not make me happy - that's for sure. I don't think I could be happy in any way at someone elses expense, so to speak.
The lottery win would be sweet though!
Hmmm... sexual favors for grades (why didn't I become a teacher?) Well, I think that would be a combination of Lust/Greed/Sloth/Pride... ;)
Jeez...I feel so dirty. I've sinned...kinda, I think. Oh well, nothing like a good spanking to make a gal feel better huh?
Ahem, where's your paddle?
heheehe, I love Abba songs.
Fab post honey.
I'm pretty safe with this one... although with so many in one house, there are a few biscotti hidden on a top shelf...
Hey, new rule for you. No more cutting yourself down calling yourself a looser and stuff in bloggie world and comments.
Okay. Jokes are allowed. But, I was at "em's" place a few mins ago checking out [all the cool] comments.
You, my man, would never be a dissapointment [reading or mtg in person]. We know you, better than the "locals" and we luv ya'! For YOU!
And, it's not like your unattractive or have a goiter in a funky obnoxious place...but, even if you were/did?
Bloggies are bloggies. I mean, in reality, I could be all purple with spots...I might have a lizzard tongue and eat the flys in the air. U'd still love me though right?
(Okay, not the lizzard thing, but you get my point.)
In some ways it would be kinda' cool to plan a "bloggie retreat" and call it a computer somethin' or other cyber convention thingie.
Bring the signif' others or not, drag the kids or not, bring the lap tops or not (I still don't have one and finances say "no rain? No lap top.")
Then? We leave the signifs to attend our "seminars!" Yeah, by the pool, the bar, and music!!!
WHOOP! What a party!
[I'm done now, but I only had one comment left. FYI, my son's T-Ball Uniform # is 9!! Whoo-hoo! I can comment all day long at the games! LOL] [smiley-wink]
Spiky Zora Jones: Well, you sure deserve a good spanking... come here! ;)
I would think, though, that you - like me - are more of a lustful sinner, right?
Kcinnova: Yeah, I think we are all guilty of each of those sins to some extent, more or less. After all - all of the 7 Deadly Sins has got more or less to do with pleasure of some sort.
Farmer*s Wife: Haha! If you were purple with spots and had a fly catching lizard toungue, I would find that extremely cool ;) I might be a little intimidated by it at first, but that's to be expected.
Ok - no more excuses or displays of low self esteem. I'll try to better myself...
(really, though, my comment at Em's was intended as a (at least) semi-joke).
I heard the words Bar and Pool so I had to come back. Meet you and the purple spotted lizard there!
You'll be forgiven as long as there was drinking involved in this mini-break. ;)
I wouldn't really consider myself greedy because I'm not out to get BIGGER BETTER MORE, but what I do have I'm stingy with.
Hell I had the same pair of tennis shoes for 3 years! Single would keel over dead!
Greed, an interesting subject. I suppose we're all guilty here and there. I am especially greedy with my Chocolate! :)
I'm working on my commentary. I hope to be better than 24th spot this month... WWC Time!
The only thing I'm greedy for is time. You can, theoretically, always get more money, but we all have finite time.
Knight: You're on. I just hope the purple spotted lizard won't scare away the others ;)
Tink: Am I doomed if I say I didn't drink? ;)
Leighann: Bigger, better, more... hmmm - that depends what you're talking about ;)
I wear the same shoes for as long as they hold together... they're more comfortable when they've been worn in properly.
Aunt Jackie: Greed for chocolate would fall in under the sin of Gluttony though, wouldn't it?
WWC time indeed... and I'm playing this week!
Sparkling Red: Well said - and I totally agree. There's one thing that money doesn't buy... time!
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