April 29, 2008

WWC / Page 123 Meme

As the week hits Tuesday we all know what's going down by now... that's right - it is all about the Weekly Words Challenge! Hosted by the lovely no-day pretender Tink of Pickled Beef, this week we bring you the words ONE and WATER to play with.

Now, I meant to catch up a bit with all y'all's blogs today, but let me just tell you I've had a horror day of the first degree! Starting off with talking to some imbecile over at the UO (of which details I will not go into, because we're all getting sick of the UO talk), after which I go to the car wash to get my car all nice and shiny. Yup - it got nice and shiny, and will cost me a pretty penny. Fucking numbnuts R.E.H. left the damn antenna up, and will have to replace it. See, I don't usually go to the auto car-wash. I do it manually... so I just didn't think about what the consequences of listening to music in the car would be...

After that, I quickly (is how I thought it would happen) decided to get my summer tires on the car. I had them at this place for storage over the winter (by law in Sweden you have to change tires each summer and winter, and after May 1st you are not allowed to have winter tires on). I sat and waited at the place for over two hours to get the job done... after which it was too late to get to the shop and fix the antenna.

They were nice enough though, and even bought me some ice-cream. Spring has sprung (HA!) upon us in a hurry - almost to the point of skipping it all together, bring on summer straight away. Nice and warm out today.

Ooooh... I started rambling. Let's move on!

I've been tagged with a couple of meme's and decided to get one of them out of the way today on WWC day.

The HOT and SEXY Spiky Zora Jones over at Bit Player Reflects wants to know what book I'm currently reading, and tagged me to do the 123rd page meme that I've seen going around for a while. In case you haven't caught up on her blog, it is about time you do so - her blog is as HOT and SEXY as she is (somebody fan me!).

Let's get down to it - there are rules (but I will not tag anyone else... feel free to do it if you feel so inclined) .

The rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book = Currently picking up on some of the books I missed reading back in the 80's when they were new ;) This one was left behind in the States, and I got it back last year. Only now have I gotten the chance to read it... The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub.

2. Open to page 123 = Oki doki.

3. Find the fifth sentence = "If it happened to me, I suppose I would," the man said.

4. Post the next three sentences = "Well, I hope your mother gets better in a hurry."
"You and me both," Jack said with perfect honesty. And that held them until the signs for the Oatley exit began to appear.

5. Tag five people = Nope!

With that taken care of... let's have a look at this weeks WWC pictures:

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. I was running out of WATER pictures, because I've used so many shots of the river and the lakes in my surroundings for other WWC words - but I was able to find a few new locations.

Next week we'll be playing with the words THREE and FIRE.


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

OOOOOooooh! I'm Number 1! Way to go on the pics. Happy Summer tires!

Happy warm weather (it's a beauty day here too!)

Okay, gotta' run do my WWC before picking up the kiddos. I'm way behind on my day...phewp! How did that happen? My list might be too long!

Later Gator, Happy Tuesday!

Tink said...

Damn! I thought I was first. Wahhhhh.

Great pictures as always REH. I really like the boat. Maybe that's because it's where I would rather be than work right now. *Sigh*

Knight said...

I really like the Metallica photo. Very nice.
A tire law? Really? I assume failure to change your tires results in a heavy fine. Hey,if you don't pay and eventually you have a warrant for arrest, maybe you could win that trip to jail you were considering!

Karen said...

You live on the water??? Who knew? Great photos. Metallica was pretty creative.

Reb said...

Great photos, I really like your view.

Newt said...

Those were fantastic. And your area looks so much more like spring than mine. What with the stuff starting to bloom, the blue sky, the sun. Yeah, we haven't seen that yet..............

Aunt Jackie said...

Wonderful shots this week! All this talk of Water is making me extremely thirsty! Everyone's different views are so cool.

Hope you're having a good week.

Mine are up as well...


Fortune Cookies said...

I just want to hop right in that boat with my easel and canvas and paints...
One is a GREAT song!I was thinking Foo Fighters - One by One is a great CD!
hope everything turned out well, at least you didn't leave the window down, i've never done that in an automatic car wash, never, nope not me.

Dana said...

Great pics once again, but I'd like to know where my clock tower has been recently ... seems these number WWC's would lend themselves to that kind of photo *wink*

Anonymous said...

I am a bathroom freak! That pick caught my eye!! A fresh clean toilet!! YAY!! great pics Hon!!


Anonymous said...

You better hurry on by tho.. because on Confession Thurs. I am going to answer all of the Truth or dare questions everyone asked me!!!


Spiky Zora Jones said...

Hey honey...I have to go back on your blog cause I missed some. Dang! Work and home (baby was sick) had occupied all of my time.

Hey babes, I read that book too. I like. Thanks for the
compliment. I think I blushed, pretty sure I did, cause I felt my face heat up. hehehe.

Hey I love that photo River from the balcony.

Thanks for playing sweetie...and the all the nice things you said. You rock babes.

Dianne said...

tag five people = nope

that made me laugh - so matter of fact, one of the things I enjoy about you

love the bonus shot and all the water shots. that water wouldn't stay blue for long if you let Jay near it!!

you have a nice view

Anndi said...

We also have to have winter tires by law, but they haven't legislated the date by which they have to be removed (thanks for reminding me to get that done).

You and Jay both have an interesting water shot... LOL

SMOOCH, sorry I haven't been around lately. I got lost.

g-man said...

Very cool. I especially was groovin on the boat. Nicely done.

R.E.H. said...

Farmer*s Wife: Yeah, we've had a few beautiful days of late. It is giving me inspiration and hope of better things... what is it with bright and warm weather that brings upon positive emotions in people?

Tink: What you don't see in that picture is that the boat itself is full of water as well ;) I thought about getting that in the pic as well, but opted for the "summer feel" of the shot.

Knight: Not changing your tires in time result in fifty lashes at the town square! *kidding* - yeah, there's a fine.

Because of the ice and snow they want to force people to use studded tires during the winter, and because studs tear on the roads, you are not allowed to have them during the summer months.

Karen: No, I live BY the water ;) There's a large lake, and a river running through town with several streams... and man-made ponds of course.

Reb: Thanks. I like my view too - I live in a good part of town.

R.E.H. said...

Newt: Actually, the last few days have been gorgeous! People have been wearing shorts and t-shirts, the sun is shining... hell, I bet a few have even started packing their swimming gear headed for the lake... but I'm pretty sure the water is still too cold.

Aunt Jackie: And, there is nothing better than water to quench your thirst!

Fortune Cookies: One is one of the best songs ever! ;)

And, for some reason - I get the feeling you DID leave a window open in the automatic car wash... *snicker*

Were you still sitting inside as well?

Dana: But... but... I DID offer a clock tower or two in previous WWC's... well, I guess I'll have to set one of fire and get a picture for next weeks word "FIRE!" ;)

Cinder-Single (x2): You gotta keep your bathroom clean - I wouldn't want to invite a girl, only to have her leave after she had to visit that particular room ;)

And, I came over and asked you a couple of questions...

R.E.H. said...

Spiky Zora Jones: I hope the little one is feeling better!

I had to play along, because it was you who tagged me - and everything I said about you, was God's honest truth.

You know - you could experience that view in reality if you came over ;)

Dianne: Some things only deserve "matter-of-fact" comments ;)

And, having blue water in the toilet is kinda fun... when you do the Number One - it turns green ;)

Anndi: Yeah, I was getting worried you'd dumped me ;)

And, you too have that law? It's actually a pretty good law to have... well - maybe making it a law is to over-do it, but it sure makes sense to switch tires according to the season.

G-Man: Thanks. I kinda like that boat shot myself... I wish it were mine. All I got is a canoe... which I haven't taken out on the water in a couple of years now. I'm going out this summer for sure!

Jo said...

What a cool view from your place! I love all the river shots, I might actually walk if I lived there. The boat was lovely too.

You & Jay have your minds in the toilet :)

Jay said...

I liked the pic of the boat best. It looked kinda lonely there all by itself.

You do have a nice view from your balcony. That's pretty cool

I was going to do that book meme, but I keep forgetting to have an intelligent sounding book near me when I think of it. LOL ;-)

Krishna said...

My first visit to your site...I totally enjoyed the slide show...very cool!

fiwa said...

What is it with you boys and your toilet bowl water?! Good pictures though & I love the view from your balconey - that's great.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this 123rd meme seems kinda silly and pointless to me.

As for the pics . . . you and Jay with your toilet bowls . . . at least yours didn't have anything going INTO it in the picture!!


R.E.H. said...

Jo: I used to do a LOT of walking in my days along that river - it's a very nice walk indeed.

Which is better? Minds in the toilet, or minds in the gutter?

Jay: That boat really was lonely too. Not another one in sight anywhere ;)

I don't know if The Talisman qualifies as an "intelligent sounding" book - you know, just grab whatever you happen to be reading ;)

Krishna: Welcome! Glad you enjoyed the slide show. You're welcome back any time.

Fiwa: Well, I guess as a guy... when you're just standing there watching as you pee into the bowl - sooner or later the thought is bound to occur... "Hey - that's WATER down there" ;)

Glad everyone seems to like my view!

Emmeline: Yeah, I don't really see the point of that meme either. I did it for Spiky though ;)

I actually had a brief thought of doing the #1 into the toilet, but I just don't have the kind of cojones that Jay does ;)

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Beautiful shots as always, R.E.H.
I was amazed at the level of detail on the cell phone pic; I was suddenly hungry when I saw the pizza slice; but what cracked me up was the fact that you & Jay both had to take photos of the toilet bowl. (Thank you for not peeing in yours while you took the picture!)

Anonymous said...

I stay far away from the automatic car wash. Those automatic washers put swirl marks and scratches in the paint.

Instead of getting the shop to replace the antenna you can probably do it yourself.

If the antenna is in the rear of the car you can usually just pull away the soft trunk liner - get extra trim pins if the liner is pinned in place. There's usually a plastic pop panel that comes out with tabs. Pull it away and there's the antenna.

Make sure the battery is not connected when you mess with bundles of wires. Remove the old antenna and put in the new one.

The guy at the parts counter at the dealer will be able to pull up an exploded diagram of all the parts you need for the repair.

If you can get at the antenna yourself easily you might as well save the money. I bet the hourly rate for auto repair in Sweden is pretty high. Washing, maintaining, and fixing your own ride is fun! At least more fun than breaking it.

Leighann said...

Can I just say that I am impressed with how clean you and Jay's toilets are! *giggle*

Metallica's "ONE" is a good song. I think you're my musical soul mate!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, those pictures are gorgeous. I think I'm moving to Sweden. Your Meme is interesting. I opened a book and this was my sentence "They lament how often time seems to get away from them." Oh boy...so true.

R.E.H. said...

Kcinnova: Thanks. The cellphone and the pizza slice were the last two I took, just before posting. It's kinda funny how Jay and I both did the toilet bowl thing ;)

Unsigned: Yeah, I don't do the automatic car wash either, but decided to this time, because I wanted the bottom of the car cleaned. I'll certainly think twice about doing that again...

And, I'm not sure it's an easy job replacing the antenna myself. I'm not very handy with stuff like that, and this is one of those electronic ones that pop in and out as you start the car. I did pick it apart and had a look, but the antenna wouldn't come out and it seemed to go through the trunk and into some sealed box below... seemed pretty complicated for a novice like myself.

Leighann: As I told Single... it is important to keep the toilets clean! ;)

We should get together and do some rockin' to some music some time!

Pookie Sixx: Living here makes you sick and tired of the views pretty quickly - but I think that's pretty much the case everywhere... what you see every day simply doesn't strike you as beautiful after a while.

Leighann said...

We should get together and do some rockin' to some music some time!

I'm game!

Sparkling Red said...

Aw, nuts, that's too bad about your antenna! I hope you can get it fixed soon. Music in the car is a necessity for me, and I imagine that it is for you too.

Nice photos. Now I want pizza. ;-)

Jill said...

I really like the fountain one!
And I would like the shower one more if there would have been ONE man into the picture!

R.E.H. said...

Leighann: Awesome! I bet a got a lot of good music you've never heard of!

Sparkling Red: Actually, I don't necessarily need the antenna - I only listen to CD's. Never the radio.

Jill: You'll have to imagine that man in the shower ;)

Jill said...

Not even a little peak?:(

R.E.H. said...

Jill: Not yet, anyway ;)

Jill said...

I don't like waiting!:(

R.E.H. said...

Jill: Patience is a virtue...

Jill said...

I have patience with kid, and a lot of it, but i really hate waiting, I don't have much when it comes to that point!:P

R.E.H. said...

Jill: Well, you'll just have to get used to it ;)

Jill said...
