April 28, 2008

Unemployed Ramblings

After a bit of rowdy shenanigans over the weekend, it is time for me to do one of those "ramblings" posts again. You know, where I talk a little about this and then a bit about that - stuff that is currently on my mind in one way or another.

And, more so than anything - the fact that I am now officially unemployed (as of today) is one thing that is on my mind. The workings of being unemployed in this country is absolutely crazy, and from what I hear, it is a lot worse now than it was when I last experienced this state of being about 4+ years ago. Hence, the title of todays ramblings are "Unemployed Ramblings".

The Unemployement Office: The place to go when out of a job is the Unemployement Office. This is required for you to recieve payment from the Union (we pay monthly as we work - or not - to a pool of money from which we can collect unemployment benefits for up to six months... after that, we become the product of the welfare system). Unless you are registered with the unemployment office, you can not collect the money.

This all sounds reasonable to me. But, it is how things at the UO (Unemployment Office) are handled that pisses me off. Not only do they treat you like dirt - they refuse to help you, and as you walk in with a million questions (as you don't have a clue how things work around here) they point you to a computer. I don't want a computer, I can log onto that site at home... I came all the way down here because I felt the need to speak to a human being and have my questions answered. You then have to book a meeting, and hope you get to talk with someone who knows a thing or two. From my last experience of this place - very few of the people working here can tell you a damn thing worth knowing.

Top this off with the fact that they force people to take jobs - any jobs they think are suitable for you. That means, that because I have experience in retail - every single retail job available is going to be forced upon me. They don't give a damn that I don't want to work in that line of work any more... and if I refuse - there goes my benefits, and welfare isn't going to give me any money either... so I would stand without any form of income (save from robbing a few convenience stores and the occasional boondocks bank). Lately, I hear from others, they have also taken it upon themselves to force people to move to another city if they can find you a job there... listen - I'm not moving to another city in Sweden - if I'm moving, it'll be a hell of a lot longer than that. I've even heard of some people being forced to take a job in our neighboring country of Norway (see, them Norwegians actually have jobs)... how in the hell is that going to help the unemployment crisis is Sweden?

Beware, as this goes on, that I may have some very angry rants on this blog - it's all coming back to me now. What it is like to be unemployed in this country. I swear to you, I would rather be locked up in jail... hell, they even have their own Union Reps in jails over here - not long ago (and, no I'm not kidding) they were fighting for their rights to have televisions in their cells, and for their rights to have access to PORN!

Guys... these are criminals? Many of them sexual predators... they have NO right for porn. You know, as long as TV and porn is readily available - I'll go to jail and actually enjoy it too.

See how that happens? You talk about the UO, and you finish up in jail. It is all too much of a possibility that this happens too... I might end up hurting someone in one of my visits there.

"HOUSE DOCTORS": A number of years ago, things changed in the local medical centers. We no longer belonged to a certain health facility, but rather to a specific doctor. As these changes took place, I know I filled out the papers so that I could see the same doctor I had been going to since I was a kid. I didn't need a visit to the doctor's office in about three years, and upon my arrival I found out that I did not belong to this hospital, and as such I was not welcome. I was furious!

It's been another couple of years, and for the past six months my left shoulder has been bothering me. It really flares up when I try certain exercises at the gym, so for quite some time I've known that I need to go see a doctor about it... you know - after six months you can feel pretty certain it isn't going away by itself. So, today, I actually went back and was able to sign up to a doctor at the same hospital I've always gone to. Not my old doctor, but some new woman doc... I'll be giving her a call tomorrow and see if I can come in and have a look at that shoulder.

Balloon Angioplasty: Hospitals seems to be the theme today. Interestingly enough, apart from jail, hospitals are a likely place to end up when dealing with the UO. Either on account of a mental breakdown, or from stress-induced heart failure. Heart failure is not something to joke about...

One of my best friends, only 41 years old, apparently had to have a coronary angioplasty last week. He had been feeling down for a couple of months, and when he went out for a walk, he had to stop and catch his breath every so often. And, then he was feeling this intense pressure in his chest. For months he figured he had an infection of sorts, and didn't think much of it. He finally did go to the doctor's to have it checked out, and was rushed to the hospital for the surgery.

These things scare the living crap out of me... these things remind me that I am getting old. My friends are getting old, and dammit do I have some living left to do. Now, 41 is very young to suffer from this - and the fact that he has diabetes is part of what caused it.

I only heard of these news this weekend, and ran into him at the grocery store today. I was going to call him tonight anyway to check up on him. He was doing great now, and was out walking a few miles every day... and he didn't have to stop and catch his breath anymore. For that he was grateful!

Party was wild: I'll finish this rambling up on a lighter note. The party this weekend was a success. Apart from the new woman at my old job, whom I detest, we were a good group of people who got together. This new woman, by the way, has become the manager of the store since I was let go... Thank the Lord I am no longer there!

Anyway... we had fun, drinking, eating nachos and playing Singstar on the Playstation. That stupid game actually figured I hit the notes pretty well... I'm sure the judges of American Idol would say otherwise... I did not sing a pretty tune, I tell you!

We hit the bars later on, and even I spent a lot of time strutting my stuff on the dance floor... I can NOT dance, I tell you (so that leaves me out of favor with the judges of "Do You Think You Can Dance..." as well.)

I also met a couple of old friends that I haven't seen in many years. That's always fun... and then I hooked up with some drunk bimbo for a while, but it ended right there (and all for the better).

Yesterday... as usual... I paid the price for having a bit of fun. It's getting more and more expensive by the year to party... gone are the days when you could get hammered and then get up and be productive the next day. I have a strong resemblance to a zombie the day after...


Knight said...

The Dr. turned you away? So how does that work in an emergency room? Can they reject you there as well?
Sounds like the UO is a real pain in the ass in the customer service department. Are they hiring? I bet there is a 24/7 party in THAT break room!

Sparkling Red said...

I can see how that UO would make you furious. You paid your own money into the plan over the years, like a kind of forced savings account, so you should be able to use it up if you want, rather than be forced to take any old crap job that comes up.

I'm glad to hear that the party went well. I have SingStar at home. Pity my neighbours!

tt said...

Glad to hear your friend is doing better now. All it takes is someone close to your age to have problems and WHAM!!,,you're reminded about your own mortality. What a poke in the eye that is right?! I know...hate it.
I think UO 's all over the world suck! I mean the first word rubs it in that you're not employed right?? Why don't they call it
the 'it'll-be-ok-we'll-find-you-a- good-job-in-no-time-without-hassels' office? It would make going there a wee bit easier..yes??

good luck with the shoulder big guy...but be sure and tell the Doc that they can't do anything that interferes with your blogging..K?

Anonymous said...

If going on unemployment is that awful then there's an easy solution... Don't go on unemployment.

If you are going to collect money from their system then you have to do what the system dictates. If you don't want to put up with the hassle then don't take their money.

Hey, it isn't like you didn't have enough time to find a new job. You had plenty of time. You just wasted it doing meaningless stuff. It seems unfair to direct your anger at the "U.O." since you are the person who failed to use your time wisely.

Taking a job that isn't exactly right for you isn't the end of the world. You're missing the point. You can always change jobs at any time you want. That's what people do.

I get the feeling that you simply want them "stop bothering you" and send you money for six months while you sit around and collect your thoughts.

If that's the case then you're exactly the type of unemployed person that everyone is always complaining about.

You will be living off of other people's money for a while. It makes sense that those other people should have a say in getting you employed again as soon as possible.

I'd feel upset if I was at the counter and you rolled up in your nice shiny brand new midsize car after a weekend of partying saying "Yes I'd like six months of income and no I don't want to participate in any of your programs."

If you don't want the hassle then don't take the money. Most people don't have a brand new car, health coverage, and parties to go to.

It isn't your fault you got fired and ended up without a job. However, it is your fault that you spent the last month doing nothing about it.

"What it is like to be unemployed in this country. I swear to you, I would rather be locked up in jail..."

Come on man... Honestly... You should be glad you're not going to lose your car and end up homeless. Be thankful for your safety net. Other people don't have one.

Jen said...

What Americans don't understand is, "if you think health care is expensive now; wait until it's free." I'm sure I'm going to receive some hate mail. . . . .

Um. Right. How I got onto that one?

I have to say, that when I went to the unemployment office, they were great. Very helpful and worked really hard to find me a job.

Unfortunately, it wasn't their fault I didn't take any jobs - it was me who didn't want what they were offering. Unlike Sweden, we aren't forced into one if we don't want it.

I had to take classes and perform numerous tasks to keep receiving unemployment, but I didn't mind. It's what I had to do to keep the money coming in until I eventually found a position.

Sometimes, you have to tuck your tail between your legs and take what you can get. I did. I'm not saying it isn't difficult though. This I know all too well, but I'm also all the better for it. It's gotten me to where I am today.

You'll get there. Just breathe and give things a chance now and then. You might be surprised what you find. (or in your case what the UO finds for you)

Karen said...

Unemployment sucks here too, but it is better than having no money coming in.

But no matter what....I think you are better off NOT being in jail. Uless you are looking to be your cellmate's "bitch'????

Dana said...

I've been trying to tell everyone that I know that "free" healthcare is going to cost a pretty penny! It sounds good, until you really look at it.

Jay said...

Dealing with bureaucracies is a major pain in the ass everywhere. When I got laid off back in Texas I thought I was going to kill a couple of the brainless jerks who worked at the employment office there.

If you partied more often it would be easier to recover cause you'd be used to it. I'm just saying. ;-)

Tequila Mockingbird said...

a few things: 1. i think if you had hooked up with the bimbo your shoulder and all your other shit would feel better.
2. come over here, employment stuff is better. not that much, but slightly better.

Angela said...

Do they have temp agencies there like they do in the USA? Because if so, you might be better off going there than to an unemployment office... Just a thought. Good luck with everything. Thinking of you.

Richard said...

Madman, I'm unemployed as well. The difference is that I'm 59 and not many folks here in North Carolina want to hire a guy my age.

I wish you luck on your job search.

My experience with our state unemployment agency has been pretty good, though I may not qualify for any benefits.

My hope is they can actually help me find a job.


Fortune Cookies said...

zombies run from me the day after I party now...
I had a love/hate relationship with my 2and 1/2 month unemployment stint at the beginning of the year. I just had to go with the flow and all of a sudden I was celebrating landing a wonderful new job, and I'm sure you will too!I still say you should find a way to market your programing skills... I'd buy that recipe randomizer! :) just a thought

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in! I'd begun to worry because you're a pretty regular daily post-er! Plus, your comments from my most recent post have been notably absent! :)


Anonymous said...

And once again, Unsigned decides to be a huge jackass. Way to go, Unsigned.

Anonymous said...

Oh and once again, I post some selfish comment and don't even talk about your post. Sorry.

I hope things turn out okay with the unemployment office. I agree with whomever suggested temp agencies - do you have those? After I graduated from college, I was unemployed for two months and had used up my resources trying to find myself a job. I got on board with a staffing agency and got a job within a month, and I am still there and just celebrated my one year AND just got my second raise! :) I know it doesn't happen that easily for everyone, but if it's an option over there you might want to give it a shot.


Jo said...

I'm with Jay, bureaucracies suck everywhere...they deliberately take thinking out of the equation to optimize the chances for homicide. I understand the necessity of Unemployment coverage, but don't you think it'll depress you if you stay on it? Picking your own job, even if it's retail, would be better for your confidence than the UO forcing you into something with little care for who you are. You were good at your past job, you could do it again while you plan your next gig...here in the States :)

I'm glad your party was fun! Singing & dancing like a rockstar. Even when I was 22 I didn't wake up the next day capable of productivity :P

R.E.H. said...

Knight: No, it's not so bad that you can be rejected at the ER. How it works over here is that you have small medical centers, and from there you are referred to the hospital if they can't do the job necessary at the local medical center. In the case of an emergency, you go straight to the "main" hospital. But, checking out an ailing shoulder is not an emergency, so I have to go to the medical centers with that... and if they think it requires an X-Ray or something, I will be sent to the hospital... it's a little confusing ;)

Sparkling Red: I agree. I can understand if they want to have "proof" that I am actively trying to get a job. But, for them to force those jobs on me is just not right. Many years ago, the purpose of the UO was to help people find the right job... now their goal is to get people out of the unemployment statistics, and not care one bit about how that happens.

TT: It was a major surprise (shock?) to hear about his surgery. And, the guy has always been a pretty healthy fellow... a lot more so than me anyway.

Actually, in Sweden, they've changed the term "unemployed" to something which would translate to something like this "at the employers disposition". Yeah, that makes me feel better about myself ;)

Unsigned: Don't go on unemployment.

As I said... it is required by law. Not my choice.

If you are going to collect money from their system then you have to do what the system dictates.

I can understand that. That doesn't make it right how they run things.

I get the feeling that you simply want them "stop bothering you" and send you money for six months while you sit around and collect your thoughts.

And, where in the hell have I indicated any such thing? All I'm asking for a that I get a job that is suitable for me, and a job that caters to my own needs in my life. Pretty damn simple stuff.

Because of how they run things, I have been pushed into retail my whole life. I don't feel like I belong there, but that is where my experience lies. It was the UO which forced the job I've now left behind upon me, and they did that right after I got a degree in Film and Television production. Would they help me get a job in that field? No... because I had experience in retail. Now, many years later, my education is pretty much obsolete, because of how quickly technology in this field evolves... so my two years of education has been rendered useless.

To say that they have a right to force me into ANYTHING because I am living off their money (money which I have paid every month of my adult life through taxes and directly into the Union Pool) is utterly ridiculous.

I can see that you are a socailist thinker. Don't get me started on the political aspects of socialism, because I have spent the most part of my life in such a society and I can assure you it is nowhere near as fancy as they try to tell you it is. Plain and simple it is a utopia that doesn't translate very well into reality.

I'm not asking the UO to stay off my back. I would be appreciative if they were there to help me find what I want, and need, out of my next job. I am not a statistic that they should just get off their back as quickly as they can.

Jen: Free healthcare isn't ALL bad, but it has been a long time since Sweden could truthfully claim to have free healthcare. You pay, every time you walk into a hospital, you pay. Medication is also getting more and more expensive, yet we still pay the same taxes which years ago was deemed enough to support the hospitals. Where does that money go now?

And, UO's over here will also send you to classes and government run "projects" in which you must participate. I wonder how the latter is supposed to help me get a job - rob me of my time to actively look for a job, to do something for six months which has absolutely no future, because it ends after six months?

Then, again, hardly anyone gets employed at companies any more. They all hire "extras". Making you work part time, and "on call". Regular jobs is becoming rarer by the day around here.

R.E.H. said...

Karen: Yeah, being the "bitch" is pretty much the only thing that scares me about jails around here. But, if we don't make it a maximum security prison... that wouldn't be a worry either ;)

I'm pretty sure UO's all over the world sucks.

Dana: The thing about "free healthcare" is that everyone pays. Whether you're in need of the health care or not. I haven't been to a hospital in many years... but I have paid a pretty penny to support them anyway. And, that's why it pissed me off so badly when I wasn't even allowed to book an appointment with a doctor because of a technicality.

Jay: Because of bureaucracy I might opt to become an anarchist in the near future ;) I absolutely hate paperwork, and dealing with people who do not talk to me as a person, but rather a statistic.

And, yeah, I don't drink often enough ;)

Tequila Mockingbird: 1. Actually, a couple of positions gets my shoulder hurting a lot worse ;) It is worth it, however.

2. The best thing over there is that there are still actual jobs available. Jobs are extremely rare around here... what you can hope for is a temporary job, or a government sanctioned job.

~Angela~: Yes, there are temp agencies here too. You still have to be registered at the UO though. And, I'm not sure the temp agencies are a good thing - just one more option for companies not to hire their own staff, making jobs even harder to come by.

R.E.H. said...

Richard: It is the same thing over here. At 59 it would be really hard to get a job - even at 37 they are not likely to hire me over some 19-20 year old just out of school. Especially since the government has instructed the UO to prioritize those who have just finished school.

Fortune Cookies: I am hoping to find a job that I will enjoy. That's the whole point for me. That's why I get so riled up when they threaten to force jobs upon me that I don't want. I should be allowed the time, and the help, to find something which is suitable for me.

Only "modern" zombies are capable or running, you know. I like the old fashioned ones that can only drag themselves forward ;)

Emmeline (x3): Yeah, I know. I've been a blogging Sloth of late. A lot of things are going on right now, and I'm having a hard time keeping up. And, then, when I have the time, my inspiration and desire to blog isn't really there. I'm sorry about that - but, I'll catch up.

Glad to hear that temp agencies worked out for you. I might consider that, but I would think they operate slightly different over here... for one thing, I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a raise (Union controls wages pretty much).

Jo: Bureaucracies has got nothing to do with humanity - it is all about numbers, which is why it gets under my skin when you try to deal with it.

And, you can't really get a job on your own here. Every employment that a business want to make has (by law) to go through the UO. Companies, as well as us workers, have to register with the UO.

At 22, though, I never had a problem getting up the day after... unless I partied a little TOO hard ;)

Cate Subrosa said...

Your rambling posts are actually my favourites :)

Sorry to hear about your friend. Is he ok now?

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I too love your life rambles. You just gotta' do the best you can do with what's available to ya'. [Which, I know you are.]

FYI? emmeline made me laugh...she de-grumped and de-fused me. :o)

So, see ya' at WWC? Later Gator!

Happy Tuesday!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Almost forgot about your friend:

It really is amazingly scary when something happens so seriously to someone we know closely.

It shakes the mind and body.

Like my MIL. She's still recooping and not up to drive after that horsie thing. It is frustrating for her and depressing too.

She's a "go'er, a mover-shaker."

This being injured thing does not sit well. It scares me though because it reminds me that one day...we will lose them [her and my FIL.]

And, one day? My children will be helping me through my ailments. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you need a new perspective on the concept of choice.

"As I said... it is required by law. Not my choice."

You are eligible for benefits and may have the right to claim benefits if you choose to do so. You also have the choice to refuse the benefits. It is only required by law if you want to collect the payments - which amount to 80% of your normal pay - which is pretty damn good!

You always have choices. You may not like them. They may not be easy or comfortable but they are choices.

Staying in a crappy job that you don't like is easy. Quitting that job and finding a new one takes some courage and conviction but it isn't easy...

Meeting cute girls and not asking them out is very easy. Asking a cute girl out takes some self confidence and charm but it isn't always easy...

Sitting around for a paid month off is easy. Using that time to go out and get a new job and change your life isn't easy. It is exciting, brave, and admirable but it isn't easy...

Letting your television production skills go stale is easy. It would have required time and effort and perhaps a little money to maintain them. Maintaining a skill shows a good work ethic but isn't always easy...

Choosing not to take action is still a choice...

Good luck with the job search!


"I can see that you are a socailist thinker."

I'm the opposite of socialist. I'm a self starting capitalist.


Anonymous said...

Yep, I feel your pain here REH. Here, the employer has all the rights and it is pretty hard to get unemployment. So when they give you the boot, you're screwed even though we pay into the unemployment benefits that we are being denied. God. I hate governments. I hope something good comes your way soon.

Glad your friend is doing better.

Dianne said...

I know the day after zombie feeling very well, and you're right - it gets harder to recover as the years go by. I like to think I counter that by partying with more flair and experience as I age.

I also feel your frustration with the UO - you PAID into the system, there should be some level of treating you like a client, not like an invisible burden.

I ended up with a retail job as my 2nd job because at 52 few places were interested in me. I think the reason there are always openings in retail is because the turnover is so huge! 90% of the managers at my place are new to me and I've only been there since last September.

Sorry about your friend, 41 is very young. It does startle you when the randomness of life strikes so close to home.

I still have this spider sense that you'll be fine, you'll be better than fine.

You're just having some growing pains. They come about at every age.

Hugs ...

Anonymous said...

Wait, there's no such thing as a raise??? How is that possible? My comment about getting one didn't have anything to do with temp agencies, by the way. I am no longer with the temp agency because after I worked for my current company for a month (through the temp agency), the company hired me permanently. The agency is just the tool I used to get here.

But you guys don't get raises and promotions?? I don't see how that's possible. How do you combat the rising cost of living without getting an annual raise?? Maybe we aren't exactly speaking the same language . . .


R.E.H. said...

Guilty Secret: Good to know the ramblings are of interest to some of you ;) They are my fall back when I don't have anything of substance to post about ;)

And, yes, my friend is fine now. Better than he's felt in a long time, so it all turned out for the better.

Farmer*s Wife (x2): Yeah, I'm up with the WWC.

And, the thing that bothered me the most about the situation with my friend, is that it happened during a time in which we haven't kept in touch like we usually do. I actually heard it from another mutual friend first...

Hope your MIL will get back on track as well!

Unsigned: Choice or no choice... no one is going to choose to have absolutely zero income - that is simply not an option if you want to survive. It is the same thing as suggesting that the fellow who got robbed on the street chose to be robbed... because he could've refused to give away his wallet even though there was a gun pointed to his head.

It does surprise me that you claim to be a capitalist - many of your opinions strike me as quite socialistic in nature.

Thanks for wishing me luck ;)

Pookie Sixx: Yeah, the unemployment benefits are in fact quite good over here - that is not the part that I'm all upset about. What gets on my nerves is the UO itself, and how it treats the unemployed - certainly not as humans with a right in the society.

Something good will come of this all... I sure hope so ;)

Dianne: It is one of the downsides of getting old - the inability to properly be able to recover from having fun ;)

The quick turnover in retail, I'm sure, is also because it is a low paying job. Any time we can find better pay, we'll get the heck out of retail. Plus - the hours really stink (working late, working weekends).

R.E.H. said...

Emmeline: Oh, I thought you meant a raise within the temp agency itself... I'm not sure how they work back in the US, but over here the temp agencies sort of lend the workers out to other companies - there is little chance of getting an employment at the actual company that way over here.

But, raises are not very common at any place - mostly the Union controls the wages, and businesses are happy to oblige to those rules... which only states a minimum wage allowed for a certain job, and a certain level of experience. So, no one has a legit complaint as long as the Union's minimum is met.

If you are promoted at your job, you will fall under a different category, and as such will automatically recieve a higher wage.

Aunt Jackie said...

I, for one, enjoy ramblings posts the most sometimes too... Sort of like little conversations.

Things are tough all over sometimes, I hope it all gets much better for you soon. Meanwhile, ramble and rant away!

Also enjoy your writing immensely too.

Anonymous said...

ughhhhhhhh!!! Unsigned make my ass hurt! Judge not lest ye be judged? Have you even started your blog I want to come over and analyze you!

Anywhoooooo!! Hon, I hope that everything words out for you! I am also so happy that you had a great time at your party, from what you said you really had a great time!!! LOL!!

I shall see you later boo...


R.E.H. said...

Aunt Jackie: It's nice to know that my ramblings are quality entertainment ;) I guess they will pop up ever so often in the near future...

Cinder-Single: Yeah, I did have a great time actually. Sunday wasn't much fun - but, you know, that's the price you pay ;)

Melissa said...

Well, I will hope you land a suitable job that allows you time to look for another you may like more. Bureaucracies, for all the good they can do sometimes, often suck to work with. Best of luck to you, REH!

R.E.H. said...

Melissa: Thank You. And, you are so right about bureaucracies.

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

So, a new term. Cinder-Single stated the "ass hurt" incident.

I have termed it orafice burn...catchy? Think I'm gonna' add it to my terms in my bloggie.

[You know I had to pop in one more time. I tried...but, alas, it's who I am (smiley-wink)]

R.E.H. said...

Farmer*s Wife: Orifice burn... it does sound catchy, but maybe a bit... ahem... dirty? ;)