November 22, 2007

Pepsi Bottle / Brief Update

Taken from

"It doesn't take a doctor to work out the results of this X-ray.

And when a glass bottle has been shoved up your bottom, you don't need an expert to tell you anyway.

The X-ray was taken of a 60-year-old man who checked himself into Nishtar Hospital in Multan, Pakistan.

He sought treatment because he claimed - are you ready for this? - thieves had inserted a Pepsi bottle into his anus before stealing two of his buffalo.

He said the robbers were armed and forced the bottle up his bum, according to Dr Abdul Manan, a surgeon at the hospital."

Now... I've always feared being robbed some day - but this really turns that fear into outright phobia!

And, for what possible reason did the robbers see it fit to insert a Pepsi Bottle into the poor man's anus anyway?

"Gimme your buffaloes!"


"I said, gimme your buffaloes or I'll shove this bottle up your ass!"


"Boys! Hold him down!"


I wonder what the conversation at the hospital sounded like, too.

"Excuse me? Doctor? I need some help"

"Yes. What seems to be the problem, sir?"

"I have a Pepsi Bottle in my stomach"

"How did it get there?"

"Some thugs inserted it through my anus"

"Ok, sir. I have this other doctor you should talk to. He specializes in these kinds of things. He's a very good therapist"

"No, doctor. I'm serious. I have a Pepsi Bottle in my stomach - get an X-Ray and see for yourself"

"Oki Dokey. I'll humor you... Nurse!"

10 minutes later as the x-ray is taken.

"What the fuck? Hey, guys! There really is a bottle in this man's stomach! You gotta come see this shit!"


Update on the story of The One:

For those who are waiting to hear how that is going, here's a summary of the latest events. You know, since that day we said we'd talk things through and she bailed out of it.

I had decided to start working on letting her go... moving on. One of the reasons I stopped posting about her is because of that decision. If I am to move on, I can't think of her too much, and writing about her forces me to think of her.

I still haven't seen her, but she texted me on Tuesday, wondering if I was working Thursday and Friday. I worked today, but Friday is a day off. I thought there was something she'd want me to do at work... but, that's not what she was after.

She wanted to go to the gym.

She hasn't been there for quite a while, and I've learnt to go there alone and still find it somewhat fun to be there. She got in touch with me today again, wondering if I intended to go tonight, but I told her I was too tired, and that we could go tomorrow morning instead. So, that is now the plan.

I actually look forward to seeing her again - I can't really remember when I've gone this long without seeing her... partly, of course, that is because we used to work together, so I'd see her at work almost every day.

She doesn't mention the "talk" we were supposed to have. But, I will let that go for now, as she does seem willing to try and behave better towards me as it is right now. I don't want to make things more difficult than they have to be.

As for the other thing. That thing I was suspecting and not writing about. I believe I was wrong about that after all... so I'm kind of happy I didn't bring that up in my blogging.

And also:

I have updated my blogroll with a few more blogs that I've frequented lately. If you haven't seen them - check them out!


Beautifully Profound said...

Yah, I've seen that photo before. OWCH. As for "The One" Good for you. I am sure you are going to find someone who actually appreciates you. Sometimes you have to crawl through a lot of shit to get to the roses. Happy Thanksgiving REH. Eat yummy turkey and other assorted side dishes:P.

R.E.H. said...

No turkey for me this year :(

And, about The One... we'll see how that goes if and when I see her tomorrow ;)

fiwa said...

I hope you have a good time with her tomorrow. I hope she is sweet to you, you deserve to be treated well.

Take care,

Beautifully Profound said...

No fkn turkey? You mean after making that birthday feast for your family no ones brought you over any turkey. That's sad.:( If you didn't live so far downstate I would send you some.

Karen said...

I did an "orphan" Thanksgiving. You could have come over for some turkey.

Good Luck tomorrow.

Jay said...

it was the turkeys i tell you! the turkeys!!

and about the thanksgiving bird... what do you think about platypus?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Angela said...


You seem to have left a very important blog off of that list of yours...

Jay said...


I used to like Pepsi.

R.E.H. said...

Fiwa: I might not see her today, after all. But, she's been good about it - not neglecting me or anything. She's got a birthday party to attend and she was running late. If there's time, we'll go to the gym tonight instead.

Beautifully Profound: Oh, it's not my family's fault. I had to work 'til 7:30...

Karen: Oh, I would have loved that. Thank you! :)

Jay Cam:Yep. Those turkeys got their own Thanksgiving Man and a very special stuffing... Mama Turkey's own recipe.

Platypus? Is that even a bird? Think I'll stick with the turkey ;)

Angela: Keep me entertained, and eventually yours will be there too ;)

Jay: Terrible huh? Thank God I've always been the Coca Cola type of guy :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good old Pepsi enema! Aaaaaah!

Guilty Secret said...

Happy thanksgiving :)

R.E.H. said...

Preposterous Ponderings: I prefer a shot of whisky...

Guilty Secret: Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Shittin' glass, ouch!

Forget her, I think if the sparks were flyin' you wouldn't have this trouble. There are lots of fish out there! :o )

R.E.H. said...

Butterfly Girl: I know... I just have the tendency to want to ignite the sparks when they're not there :)

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